Author Archives: dolic1
There will be Night-Life
There will be Night-Life Capreolus capreolus Martes martes Vulpes vulpes
Eco War 50.000 acres a day Of rain forest is lost Forever destroyed Profit for some but at what cost? 37% to timber harvest 28% agricultural expansion 21% to wildfire 14% to mineral extraction As has been said before this … Continue reading
Non-ware basket
this is what the non-commercial non-ware product basket of this season would look like: (it was a present basket)
DRIVER needed! public transport & eco-network are 15-25km away, so individual and personal Transport is essential in this corner of 3 countries (Slo, Hun, Aut) – of course, we would cover all expenses Dolic Neuland is a 0.6 ha orchard … Continue reading
62 years of Silent Spring – Not here
birds – cuckoos, woodpeckers, tits, Mäusebussard, jays, and the list goes on deer bucks, cicadas, bumble bees, tobecontinued Good times ahead-
Erntedank Yields
not all we harvest we sown, not all we sow we will harvest … with a million Thanks to our million little Helpers! (the pollinators and soil builders)
in the beginning there was…
… an orchard that had been exploited for decades to produce fruit for alcohol industry, meadows that have been (over)grazed for centuries, and a small remainder of a diverse forest, that bounces back very quickly. the niches, where plants and … Continue reading