in the beginning there was…

… an orchard that had been exploited for decades to produce fruit for alcohol industry, meadows that have been (over)grazed for centuries, and a small remainder of a diverse forest, that bounces back very quickly. the niches, where plants and animals disappeared were refilled very rapidly by ambitioned newcomers, and the whole mix was left by itself for a decade, before we came.


we, the two of us, had been planting seeds in the cracks of the concrete desert, exploring alternative life-styles, protesting and manifesting that another world is possible and necessary, discussing endlessly, studying experimental and ancient methods, more meetings, more discussions, more information, more demonstrations, more failing house projects – until we got to some money by inheritance.

our friends didn’t know what to do with money, and everyone advised us to buy a car to live in.  instead, we knew we wanted to liberate, heal and protect the biggest piece of land we could while staying in contact with people and society.

all of our friends seemed to be getting old and private, and noone seemed interested in conviviality or 1st hand ecology. so instead of criticizing and quitting, we decided to start something where we combine the best of what we have seen and learned:



-Food Forest


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