about – über uns

Ahoi, Travellers!

This is a (0.9 ha) Permaculture Farm, meant to produce food for 3-5ppl, while conserving and raising bio-diversity (wild flowers, insects, fungi, animals, …)

There is a 19th century house that takes repair (floor) and beautification

We (40 m, 34 f) started this project after years of travelling: EVS/EFD, WWOOF, we couch-surfed and hitch-hiked, there was also some cycling involved.

Projects is in Pioneer stage, so we welcome brave ppl, especially from the Hippie Culture! Rainbow welcome! Permies more than welcome! Tippler, Waltzer und Waltzerinnen herzlich willkommen! Aussteiger_innen, Einsteiger_innen, Anarch@s, FFF, … another world is necessary

We will be thrilled about your skills, and there will be time and space for fun, entertainment, sports, beauty, … as well

Our main interests are tree nursery, seasonal grazing/regenerative agro-forestry, permaculture gardening, … and a good time

we enjoy to speak english, try our spanish, and teach styrian dialect

our Slovene is very basic, maybe you can teach us some

aspects we find inspiring:

bedarfsorientierte Lebensweisen – syndikalistisches wirtschaften:

community sustaining agriculture – beyond csa, selbstversorgung und food-marketing-coop

“Eigen-Zeit”, Decroissance,

calisthenic farmstrong – program

animalistic sensory functional movement – among wild and “domestic” animals

culture in nature – permanent accumulative eco-systems – wild life rare species and insects preservation, heirloom seed protection

rastafari i-tality

welcome home hospitality

buddhist respect

yogic balancing

wu-dao self-discipline

Arik Brauer

Friedensreich Regentag Hundertwasser

Masanobu Fukuoka – Bill Mollison- Geoff Lawton, Sepp Holzer

Clemens Arvay – der Biophilia-Effekt

Radical Technologies, Peter Harper

Erich Fromm

Emma Goldmane

Murray Bookchin

Penny Rimbaud, CrAss-Commune

Henry Thoreau “Walden”

Rainbow Village El Beneficio Commun

Rainbow Village Matavenero


millionaire of flowers, leaves, berries, seeds and ants

like everyone born, i inherited a little piece of the Earth to safeguard it and pass it on to the next generation when time comes

i didn’t blow it all on: pay-education, petro-fossile world-travel, big cars, customer tattoos, luxury items, wasteful techno-products, commerzialised culture entrance fees, over-prized chemical neuro-enhancers, fake online-money, show-off rituals like marriage, services like prostitution or massages, blood-sucking contracts (like rent, phone bills, …)

and this here is what i did instead


post-koloniale sorgentante

restoring a nearby meadow into a neo-primitive self-service shopping-mall. perfers wild animals to civilized people most of the time. can image an end of capitalism, but not of the world. paved the way for the self-entitled unicorns. never forgets what Respect is.

waiting for people who know what’s good for them.